
Loan Origination Excellence 2018 reclamación

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Australia’s longest running lender-focused conference

Optimising Your End-to-End Loan Origination Process through Automation and Digitisation to Empower Customer Experience
Traditionally, financial institutions competed largely on price, product and services provided, with customers being won through convenience and transparency. In recent years, lenders have placed greater emphasis on simplicity, accessibility, responsiveness and customer engagement.

With this in mind, the 13th Annual Loan Origination Excellence Conference will bring together leading industry experts that will address how to:

  • Focus on customer engagement and their journey to address their pain points, increase transparency and improve customer retention
  • Adopt automation and digitization in the application process to decrease approval time, costs and accommodate for regulatory changes
  • Achieve process excellence by streamlining the end to end process in order to increase efficiency and reduce costs while maintaining the ‘human element’
' data-map-type="ROADMAP">
  • Dirección Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
    27 O'Connell St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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