
London Blockchain Week 2018 reclamación

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£394.80 - £1,498.80

Hackathon – JANUARY 19-21, 2018

Blockchain Week kicks off with the Hack-The-Block Blockchain Hackathon at Cocoon Network. The challenge will be set by our sponsor(s). Typically we require an innovative use of Blockchain/DLT technology To solve a real problem. The winners for 2017 got the opportunity to develop their projects further with the Central Bank of Papua New Guinea. Get in touch if you’d like to sponsor the 2018 Challenge.

Conference – JANUARY 22-24, 2018

The original Blockchain Conference is back a 4th year. We launched the first Blockchain Conference in 2015, since then we have taken the event to New York, Hong Kong, San Francisco and many other cities. The 4th Annual Blockchain London Conference & Expo will take place during London Blockchain Week. This year, the event will span 3 days. The first day will feature an expo of 40-60 of the hottest blockchain companies worldwide. After the expo we’ll run our two day conference exploring Blockchain/DLT across all sectors.

Workshops – JANUARY 25-26 2018

While the conference is great for keeping up to date with the latest trends from top industry experts, people who would like a deeper dive into Blockchain/DLT can attend workshops on topics including, Smart Contracts, Ethereum and BigchainDB, to name a few. We’ve dedicated Wednesday and Thursday to learning. Space is limited. Workshops will take place at Cocoon Networks. Get in touch if you would like to sponsor a workshop or Blockchain related event.


  • Dirección Grange Tower Bridge Hotel

    45 Prescot Street, London, United Kingdom

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