
The North American Bitcoin Conference reclamación

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As January draws near, and the crypto space continues to explode, Keynote invites you to join us at the most important blockchain conference of the year, The North American Bitcoin Conference, a part of World Blockchain Forum: Investments & ICOs, taking place in Miami on January 18th and 19th 2018. The success of our 2017 conferences have brought together all the major players of the industry, launched some hugely successful businesses, and proven that the world of ICOs is growing exponentially.

We at Keynote are responsible for the largest and longest running conference in the blockchain space, having run 12 global conferences since 2012. This time, not only are we hosting two days of non-stop, thought provoking speeches about Blockchain and disruptive technologies, but we will also be hearing from the biggest in the industry about the hottest new thing in the crypto-currency community – ICOs.

  • Dirección James L. Knight Center

    400 SE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33131, USA

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