
Curso de Insurtech: A practical introduction for managers reclamación

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Consultar - 14 horas
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Insurtech (a.k.a Digital Insurance) refers to the convergence of insurance + new technologies. In the field of Insurtech «digital insurers» apply technology innovations to their business and operating models in order to reduce costs, improve the customer experience and enhance the agility of their operations.

In this instructor-led training, participants will gain an understanding of the technologies, methods and mindset needed to bring about a digital transformation within their organizations and in the industry at large. The training is aimed at managers who need to gain a big picture understanding, break down the hype and jargon, and take the first steps in establishing an Insurtech strategy.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Discuss Insurtech and all its component parts intelligently and systematically
Identify and demystify the role of each key technology within Insurtech.
Draft a general strategy for implementing Insurtech within their organization


Technologists within the insurance industry
Insurance stakeholders
Consultants and business analysts

Format of the course

Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and case study group activities

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  • Dirección Calle Virgen 1, 08001, Barcelona

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